Are you interested in attracting new clientelle to your venue for free while enjoying a night of increase business and traffic? Become the host venue for one of our VIP Gentlemen's Fashion Week Parties! Become a hosting venue and bring our VIP party to your location. We love to work with venues that are active in promoting the event and engaging the town in our activities. Its a win win situation.
Join our growing list of venues and become a member of the Gentlemen's Club automatically. Receive the opportunity to attract new customers to your location for an amazing night. Our VIP Party typically takes 3-4 hrs. and starts approximately around 7pm. Our team will arrive 1hr. before the party to set up. The only thing we need from your business is the willingness to host us and our guests and to provide one alcoholic drink per guest if possible.
The Payoff
Your venue will have the opportunity to sell food and drinks throughout the night. We will promote the event and increase awareness of Gentlemen's Fashion Week through our new partnership.
Venue Registration
Registering as a venue is quick and easy. Just fill out the form below and we'll contact you immediately. By becoming a member you certify that all material for advertising complies with all U.S. and state laws including, but not limited to copyright, licensing, and trademark. Furthermore, member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Gentlemen's Fashion Week, including its officers, partners, employees and affiliates against all liability, claims, and expenses relating to this contract. Once you become a member you can email all of your information to:
Logo Info: Send your business/organization logo in a high resolution (at least 300dpi).
Ad Info: Send your business/organization promotional ad by the 15th if each month. Ads received late will not be able to go out to our subscribers list or newsletter on time.
Size of Ad: 300 by 300 pixels.
Business / Organization Info: Please provide us with a small paragraph describing your business or organization.